Technology revolution at home and classrooms

Technology revolution has reached American teachers from middle and secondary school that have been using different kind of technologies to support their teaching and findings.  According to one survey applied by Pew Internet, they have mentioned that due to the education trends they have to centralize their teaching on digital technologies.  American teachers have reported as well that there is an important gap to get access to the latest technologies in the market by students from different social and income status depending on the district that they are assigned to teach.  Around 92% of these teachers have said that internet has a larger impact on their capacity to access to different resources and content to support their teaching.  We are approaching the future in which the lack of access to digital tools will represent an important challenge to overcome as the lack of resources for low income students limit their chances to have access to all the databases, online libraries and different digital tools that could change their learning curve and experience in the future.

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