My name is Andrea and I’m a Grey’s Anatomy addict.

If you’ve never heard of Grey’s Anatomy before, this short video summarizes basically “everything” you need to know about the TV show. It’s a highly popular American medical drama TV program that has won a couple of awards. As I was searching the wonderful Internet for interesting articles to blog about, I stumbled upon this article on the NY Times website titled “Fictional-Hospital Scrubs for Real-Life Doctors”. Article author Rob Walker’s friend had been at the hospital when she realized that her nurses and doctors were wearing scrubs with “Grey’s Anatomy” tags on them.

$22 Barco Uniform "Grey's Anatomy" Scrubs

Turns out, “Grey’s Anatomy” scrubs made by Barco Uniforms have been popular with medical professionals since they were first produced in 2006. These scrubs, made for “outstanding, extended performance” is not only made for work, but is also considered one of the pioneers of “fashion-scrubs”. With these advantages, paired with its advertisement on Grey’s Anatomy, Barco Uniforms is now a leader in the “medical-scrub world”.

Walker notes, “How odd is it that a profession that asks people to trust its members to take life-or-death actions would advertise a brand based on a TV show on the job?” While it is odd, I don’t think this should be a big deal, however. The hospital’s quality should be based on its work, and not on the scrubs they wear. Still, tt’s so interesting how much the media can do to promote an item. As a die-hard fan of the show, I would for sure run out to buy myself these scrubs as soon as possible. I mean, if I were a surgeon, or something. Not sure how Sauder feels about scrubs though…

October 6, 2010   No Comments