
So at the beginning of class this term, Elaine mentioned something about the book Buyology byMartin Lindstom. Just the title “the truths and lies about why we buy” caught my interest, probably because I don’t think im like the regular consumer. Anyways, I did go to the library to borrow this book, and I only got through the first 20 pages or so. The beginning was really interesting. It talked about cigarettes and smoking and how even though cigarette company’s put warning labels on thier packages makes people want to smoke more. People actually acknowledge the warning and when asked they would say that it makes them want to not smoke but the truth is that the label triggers something in the persons brain making them want it more. Who would’ve thought. I was really surpised by that. I’m really curious to learn more so definitly going to finish the book over the summer and possible take comm 362 buy behaviour just to learn more. I’m not a big fan of marketing but this has got to be my favourite part, learning about consumer behaviour.

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