Why so Famous?

I could not decide on what to write about this week, and while I was reading through my classmates blog, I came across Ruth’s blog about Justin Beiber. I totally agree with Ruth, I’m not crazy about JB but I just don’t seem to get why people hate him so much. Jealousy…? I dont know. For me, I think the real reason why JB is as famous as he is, is because of his marketing team. They probably worked really hard to get his name out there. Word of mouth was a huge part, I know I didn’t hear about him until a friend mentioned his name. Kind of the same reason Rebecca Black’s Friday is so popular. The song is not that great and seems really autotuned but the youtube video has millions of views. You can get ringtones of the song now, download it, hear it on the radio, its insane how a song that bad can get so popular. When I first heard the song, I could not listen to it fully but you got to admit, it is pretty catchy.

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