A Sample Lesson Plan


Here is a lesson plan for an acrylic painting class for grades 10-12. The class is a 160min double block where the students are already working on paintings and continuing to refine the values and proportions by adding layers of paint. I really wanted to stress the revision process with them and make them see the flexibility of working with acrylic paints to easily make changes. As we worked through this unit I painted a portrait of my dog to demonstrate the way that we would block in areas of our painting with values and then continue to layer paint and make refinements, continuing to use a reference image to provide us with information. I had the class set their paintings up on one side of the room and then we all walked across the room and spent a few minutes looking at our works in progress before starting revisions. This pattern of setting up our work, spending a few minutes evaluating it from a distance and then making changes was something we came back to again and again. As time went on, the students became better judges of what needed to be changed and how to move forward.

Painting 10-12 Lesson Plan

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