In LLED 360 we had a few minutes in class to turn a subject into a lyric summary, a musical rhyme that helps to cement information into the memory of students. In the previous class, several people generously and bravely sang some of the lyric summaries that they remembered from their own educations. It was amazing how much information remained in long term memory due to a catchy tune.
Our lyric summary was based on basic biographic info of Vincent Van Gogh, a famous painter from history. The tune we used was a simple clapping song from my elementary school days called “Miss Mary Mack” which had a lot of repetition that we thought would be helpful for committing information to memory. My group members were Emily L., Mandy B., Robyn C., Nate W., and myself.
Van Gogh
Did you know know know
About Van Gogh Gogh Gogh
He was Dutch Dutch Dutch
And smoked so much much much
Impressionists ists ists
To get the gist gist gist
They paint with light light
light Like Starry Night Night Night
Back to Van Gogh Gogh Gogh
So full of woe woe woe
Chopped of his ear ear ear
Cause wasn’t clear clear clear
No paintings sold sold sold
Or so we’re told told told
Poor mental health health health
He killed himself self self
At the time time time
Not worth a dime dime dime
But now his name name name
Has turned to fame fame fame.