Building your Personal Brand

I thought it fitting to write my last post on building your personal brand online. Don’t worry; I will not pretend to know much after my four short blog posts here. But would like to share in my experience. Whether you are looking for a new job, a student, or gainfully employed, the rise of social media enables you the opportunity to manage your own reputation, both online and in real life.  When you engage in conversations and interact with others, both online and offline, it will help build up an image of who you are over time.

For me, the experience of blogging has made me think about my own strengths and personality and what my online voice would look like. It has been interesting trying to find a unique position amongst the substantial amount of blogs, online posts, articles and thoughts out there.  If you are new to the blogosphere like me and are trying to find your own voice amongst the noise and establish or grow your blog, here’s are 16 Tips for Beginner Bloggers from one of my favorite bloggers Geraldine DeRuiter from Everywhereist and 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic from her equally talented husband Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEO software company SEOmoz.

Perhaps marketing guru Seth Godin sums blogging up best in this video with Tom Peters.

He says, “It doesn’t matter if anyone reads it. What matters is the humility that comes from writing it.  What matters is the meta-cognition of thinking about what you are going to say … How do you force yourself to describe in three paragraphs why you did something?  How do you respond out loud? … [Blogging] forces yourself to become part of the conversation.”

So for those who have stopped by, thank you! And for those who will be starting new blogs or continuing your own, let’s keep the conversations going.

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