Apple and Ethics

A report given by the China Labor Watch, on Thursday September, 5th 2013,  exposed that overcrowding, hiring discrimination, poor training, mandatory overtime and withheld overtime pay, were prevalent within the a Jabil Circuit factory, a supplier for the new iPhone 5 C. As stated by Milton Friedman, the main goal and social responsibility of a business is to increase profits, and some organizations may even take extreme measures to do so, but the alleged actions demonstrated within Wuxi, China factory, breach multiple rules, regulations and ethical conducts. Even thought high profits is the goal of many corporations, the unethical actions displayed by Apple have negative repercussions that can affect not only the targeted workers of that particular firm, but the whole brand name of Apple. Overall, the possible negative side effects of unethical actions can include, a drop in stock price and a higher rate of employee dissatisfaction.

Although Apple and its actions are the main focus in this situation, it is proven from this article, that unethical actions taken in today’s business world, will eventually undermine the standing of a firm or business and can result in dear consequences for all stakeholders. Unethical actions do not create an easy solution but in turn develop a serious problem.


The link for the related article can be found here:

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