$1700 Shoes Increasing in Demand

For a company to survive and thrive past its early stages of development it must establish and maintain a competitive advantage. While many companies in today’s economy base this advantage on a reduced cost, a Romanian shoe company proposes a different value proposition.

The company, produces and sells shoes of over $1690, and lately, the demand for they service has increased by 15%-20%. By using fine materials and the skill of 19 trained shoemakers, Saint Crispin’s produces handmade shoes to a select amount of individuals. With this narrow target market and product uniqueness, it is evident that the company is focused on product differentiation. Although the cost of products is high, Saint Crispin’s holds a sustainable competitive advantage in its target market. This is accomplished by manufacturing a product that cannot be easily replaced or replicated.

In addition, the company offers a continued promise to its customers by retailing its products through a specific set of shoe distributors chosen and trained by Saint Crispin’s. By means of this selection a level of customization unavailable from other retailer brands is achieved. The sustainable advantage from product uniqueness that is provided by Saint Crispin’s allows the company to grow and develop regardless of price.

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