Posted by: | 12th Sep, 2012

Suicides in Foxconn




Foxconn’s Business Ethics for Employees

1.2 million workers employed in Foxconn, 12 hours in a typical work day, and 3000 workers Foxconn could hire overnight. These are just some numbers that represent the enormous scale of Foxconn, a Taiwanese company that manufactures over 40% of the world’s electronics.

With substantial numbers of workers, Foxconn is able to benefit by producing more units in less time and maximize on profits with the low costs of labour in China. The biggest disadvantage of this are the workers themselves. Over the past five years there has been a reported 17 deaths caused by suicide jumping. This is due to the poor working conditions and low wages offered at Foxconn.

Analyzing all the factors in this company, I noticed that the main concern of Foxconn’s business ethics are their employees. Foxconn says that they provide a healthy working and living environment, and they put their employees first. In contrast, this undercover worker reports differently, as he proves by the overtime work and still existing suicide threats. Having a reputation as one of the world’s largest companies, Foxconn should invest more money in worker’s salaries and provide a safe and friendly environment for their employees.


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