Posted by: | 19th Sep, 2012

Destruction of Diversity and Businesses

Vancouver pursues regional ban on shark fins

Diversity is something that is not lacking here in Canada. Specifically in Vancouver, there are cultures varying from the Middle-East to parts of Africa. With this immense range of culture comes a flow of inspired entrepreneurs that seek to share their diversity through the form of food. The most dominant cuisine in Vancouver are the Asian restaurants that sell the most-sought after Chinese delicacy, shark’s fin. Commonly used in soups, shark fin is an ingredient that is under a lot of dispute and scrutiny. In this article it states that this highly coveted ingredient will soon be banned for sale. This ban will hurt many Chinese restaurants economically because of the shark fin’s desirability. Aside from decreasing profits, the outlaw of the fin will harm the diverse culture that has been developed for many years. David Chung, a restaurant owner, quoted that “this ban will cause a scar to the harmony of the multiculturalism that has been built up for years” (Orton, 2012). From my prospective being a Chinese-Canadian citizen, I see that this ban will not be good for the restaurant industry and will disrupt the multiculturalism of our community.


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