Posted by: | 19th Oct, 2012

EXTERNAL BLOG COMMENT- ‘Save-On-Meats, big on philanthropy’

Referencing back to the previous class on social enterpreneurship, I stumbled upon this blog on the Vancouver Sun posted a few months ago. The blog provides a strong denotation to the term social entrepreneurship, and it truly emphasizes and gets the message across about giving back to the community and making society a better place. In addition, this post did not only aid me in defining the exact meaning of a social entrepreneur, but it also shocked me that we have a company/restaurant that is so close to us and are actively and eagerly involved in the Vancouver downtown-eastside community. The most suprising fact that I discovered was the enormous conrtibutions and impacts Save-On-Meat and owner, Mark Brand, had in the area. By providing ‘480 meals a day, 365 days a year’ and ‘sending out 1,400 pounds of nutritious food a week’, I realized this company is not like all the other corporations on this planet, which only seek for targets of maximizing profits, Save-On-Meats is a genuinely caring and considerate restaurant that puts the citizens and community first. This blog helped me further change my look into business and the different ways a business can profit and be ethical at the same time.




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