Posted by: | 30th Oct, 2012

Classmate BLOG COMMENT- Translink’s New System (Janice Leung)

Janice Leung wrote about an article that affects and is relevant to the average person in the Lower Mainland, especially student commuters. The article, ‘New transit passes usher speedy trips‘, describes and discusses the new system that Translink has implemented in all Canada Line stations from Richmond Brighouse to Vancouver downtown’s Waterfront station. This new payment system called The Compass provides efficiency and ethical practices for both the Translink business and the thousands of commuters that are transported by the Canada Line skytrain. As Janice describes, this implementation will most definitely aid in generating the correct profits for Translink, which was lost by illegal boarders, and the Compass will also provide an evenly distributed effort of employees’ time and energy.

Through further research, I noticed that these installments cost Translink over $100 million, which was made possible by the support of the BC and Canadian government. Although this substantially large amount of money has been invested into this project, I agree with Janice that the Compass will help generate the fair amount of profits while allocating the correct amount of labour and maintenance. This long-term investment benefits commuters like me and Janice, and it also aids Translink in their profit maximization.


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