Posted by: | 7th Nov, 2012

Vancouver’s Bike Sharing Program may require a bailout

Shrinking ice caps, increasing sea levels, and irregular weather patterns are all causes of global warming and green house gas emissions from human activity. Studies have shown that the main contributor to ozone depletion is the burning of gasoline from transportation. An environmentally friendly solution proposed by Vancouver’s council is a bike sharing program, which will decrease the use of cars and carbon dioxide emitting vehicles. Although this green approach will reduce our city’s contribution to global warming, the bike sharing program will require a large amount of funding and investments. To add on to this obstacle, the citizens of Vancouver are faced with a daunting concern because the same company, Bixi, required a substantial $108 million bailout to support their project in Montreal.

This number has carried onto worried commuters and potential users of the bike sharing program. Through research and analysis, the City of Vancouver transportation director Jerry Dobrovolny said he is aware of the financial and legal difficulties of Bixi, but in Montreal its challenges are difficult because the city is the company’s manufacturing hub. Therefore Vancouver should have no doubts or worries because the city is estimated to only require $1.9 million of support for this project.




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