External Response: Penelope Trunk “How to Get a Career That Provides Stability”

Acclaimed business blogger, Penelope Trunk, discusses the challenges of receiving stable employment in the current market. Trunk concludes that in order to differentiate ourselves as the demand for labor evolves, we must focus on creativity and critical thinking, as machines and robots cannot replicate human instinct.

On a recent vacation to Chicago, my family and I dined in a restaurant where the majority of service, such as ordering and paying, was completed through a programmed Ipad. I could not help but wonder if servers are going to be replaced by machines. This concept of the changing labor market and our future employment decisions links to numerous class discussions on entrepreneurship. As I listened during the Sauder Alumni Day, I was very intrigued by the idea of starting my own business; however, Trunk‘s article and the difficulty the Sauder alumni are facing further emphasizes the lack of stability in a start-up company. I am confident that I would like to initially work for a well-known corporation and then, if I had a valuable idea in addition to the necessary skills to succeed, attempt to start my own business. This would be countering Trunk’s advice: find a place of work that guarantees long-term employment; however, I feel some cannot spend their entire life climbing the corporate latter. Trunk’s advice is similar to Jennifer from Sip Soda: “you should only start a business if it is profitable from the beginning”. In today’s technology dominated market, this guideline is nearly impossible and stability is never a guarantee.


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