A business education is extremely powerful. Although many people may associate business with the main objective of maximizing profits, the knowledge acquired at Sauder can be used in countless other beneficial ways, as demonstrated through the Arc Initiative. Even if the United Nations was fully funded, there are several reasons this global organization would still require organizations such as Arc. Firstly, a funded United Nations would not possess the analytical business skills that Arc brings. The Arc allows students who are currently developing their skills to execute what they are learning in the classroom: this concept is not present at the U.N.. Secondly, the U.N. is more focused on developing global partners for trade and increasing economic stability. Being such a large organization, even if they were fully funded, they would not be able to focus on such a micro basis, the way Arc has demonstrated. The United Nations would have difficulty improving the business model of Kassahun Baskets, showing how the business can increase profitability without the creation of a factory. The United Nations would have difficulty setting the time aside to teach Ms.Tesfage strategy map tools, demonstrating how she can operate a pastry business with know fixed costs. The Arc has been able to shape these struggling entrepreneurs into successes. However, the UN target is too large. With goals like battling HIV, they need groups like Arc to assist businesses on a micro-scale.