How important is successful HR Management to a company?

Over the last 100 years or so, the emergence of Human Resource Management has come to the forefront of where good business is headed.  Successful HR satisfies a number of quantitative and qualitative factors but current research suggests that there is a correlated link between the structure and design of a company’s HR plan and its overall performance.

As previously mentioned, no company can afford to loose widespread human capital nor can it stand to bare the ramifications of commonplace job dissatisfaction that often lead to other disharmonies like poor attendance.

It is my own belief that the days of overly simplistic jobs that fail to provide and sustain growth are numbered. Successful HR Management goes hand-in-hand with a company’s best practices.

How do investors decide between safe and risky savings opportunities?

An individual investor’s decision to pledge capital depends on their appetite for risk. However, a prudent investor knows to generate that appetite based on their own personal circumstances. Common factors that go into investment decision making including things like age to retirement, current savings, level of investment experience, and ultimate financial goals.

It can certainly be the case that a proportion of any portfolio can, when rationally calculated, be allocated to more risky investments than the bulk that it is part of. Generally speaking, the higher the opportunity for return, the higher the risk. He who risks more may have more to gain that he who does not. But, like a gambler in a casino, an investor should appreciate that their decisions can never be predicted with 100% certainty and so investment decisions should be balanced with the preservation of initial principal capital as paramount.

Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe – Romania, a Driving Force

IN Romania, Start-Ups Gain Strength

This article discussed entrepreneur initiatives in Romania.  While becoming increasing influential in the technology sector, Romania has introduced internal emphasis on entrepreneurship and experienced external investment as a result.  Microsoft, Intel and Oracle have all developed a presence in Romania and are tapping in to the increasingly visible Romanian vigor for innovation and domestic advancement.  These companies cite a huge pool of talent and a hunger for enterprise as the reasons behind their decision; along with low wages of course.

But American tech giants are not the only presence in Romania.  UberVU and several other start-ups have gained recognition outside of Romania.  Well… they had to.  Consistently, Romanian entrepreneurs find that to obtain the capital that they need to finance their ideas, they have to look to Western European investors.  Universities in Romania, which consistently focus on entrepreneurial theory and place emphasis on innovation, have responded to this obstacle accordingly.  By educating their students on how to ask for money and instill confidence in foreign investors, the Romanian Universities are preparing their students to succeed.

Visible in Romania is an entrepreneurial energy that will hopefully inspire fellow Eastern European States to implement similar strategies.

Lamborghini Reventón Commercial Response

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In class earlier this week we viewed and discussed a Lamborghini commercial for one of their latest models, the Reventón.  The commercial successfully created a feeling of exclusivity, making viewers feel that few achievements were less attainable than the ownership of this particular car.  I followed the class discussion, but one point was made near the end that I do not totally agree with.  The claim was made that the target market of this commercial is the incredibly small number of consumers who are in the market for this vehicle.  I would argue that while there are only a small number of people who have the resources to purchase the Lamborghini products themselves, the commercial advertises the brand as a whole.  I think that the target market for this commercial goes beyond potential buyers and seeks to appeal to a much larger subset of the population.  Fans of the company and aspiring owners will view and appreciate this avertissement and proceed to facilitate augmentation of Lamborghini popularity.  The phenomenon of having young people and car lovers around the world talking about a brand is potentially as valuable as the sales of a product itself.  This is why I think that the target market for this particular commercial reaches beyond the small number of potential buyers.