Entrepreneurship: Joel Primus

Our speaker in class, Joel Primus, is a prime example of a successful entrepreneur.  One of his strategies that really stuck with me was his strategy of starting from the top up.  By marketing his product to the top tier stores, he was able to establish a proper image for his brand.  I find this to be quite an interesting tactic, and on that could be very useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.  At the end of the day, designer clothing is more about brand recognition than about the quality of the good.  By convincing people to pay premiums for his brand by making them feel that his brand is exclusive and special, Primus Established Naked as a brand to be respected.

In Vanessa’s blog, she cites the fact that Naked’s products carry an image of higher quality that they are actually able to substantiate.  Because of this, they are able to charge higher prices and attract customers at premier stores.

Vanessa\’s Blog Post

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