Internet Advertising

This post is in response to an interesting blog written by Seth Godin.  One of his posts, titled ‘Moving beyond impressions’, intrigued me.

As a neglector of internet advertisements, I have never taken much issue with them.  I simply close pop up ads when they come up, look away from side panels, and think about something else during pre-video commercials.  They never inherently angered me; I accepted them as a reality of the internet.

But Godin identified a ramification that had not crossed my mind.  He states that web ads are astonishingly cheap, and that reaching millions of people can easily be achieved.  But Godin states that damage to the company’s image could far outweigh the gains they make from advertising.  He states that companies should consider perception when advertising on the internet – wether or not viewers will consider the label an annoyance or a valued sponsor, an interrupter ar a benefit.

Come to think of it, I do see many Cole Haan advertisements on the New York Times, UEFA, and GQ websites; but I can’t say that this makes me feel any better about the brand…

Seth\’s Blog



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