Is Apple’s Delayed iPhone Release Actually Beneficial?

The mysterious and much anticipated Apple iPhone 5 has still yet to be released, leaving many to wonder what exactly Apple is waiting for.  However, Apple’s decision to hold the release of its newest upgrade to the ever-popular iPhone is actually working to Apple’s benefit.  Rather than releasing the phone mid-Summer as it did with the iPhone 4, Apple is building anticipation for the product and it opened up an opportunity for Apple to promote its iCloud technology because the consumers themselves were creating the hype for the iPhone 5.  However, the delayed release will also present Apple an opportunity to rebound from the losses it has incurred in its stock value due to the recessing Nasdaq.  Whether or not this move was calculated, we may never know, but Apple will surely be able to exploit the opportunity presented to close the year out with a profit; something that many major corporations will not be able to achieve.

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