The Modern Work Environment

Although it is becoming a current trend for large companies to create a fun, low-stress environment for its employees to work in (notably Zappos and Google), companies must be careful not to create entitled, lazy employees who demand frivolous things such as toga parties regularly without feeling the need to actually work for them.  Aaron Chan recently wrote a blog commenting on Google’s fun work environment as well as pointing out the decrease in turnover rate and absenteeism.  In fact, Google was even voted the world’s number one employer by Universum.  While a positive and friendly work environment will in fact increase productivity, employers looking to change their current work environment need to ensure that they strike a balance between giving employees an incentive to come to work and creating a culture in which the employees lose respect for not only their employers, but also for the company itself.  This balance is vital, as falling on either side of the line will be devastating for the company.

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