Black, what?

Being an American, Black Friday is something special.  Thanks to Chris Wong’s blog, I received inspiration to shed some light on one of the most peculiar holiday traditions.  In the States, Black Friday is more than just a day of great holiday sales; it’s a lifestyle.  To be honest, the people who take full advantage of Black Friday aren’t normal.  These are the same people who camp for days to get the new iPhone or Playstation.  These fanatics, however, are given the greatest justification to flaunt their idiosyncrasies because not only are Apple nerds or Sony nerds out to play, housewives and grandmothers are out for the fun too!  One of the most undesirable tasks for any retailer to do is open the doors on the morning of Black Friday.  In fact, last year a salesman was trampled to death at a Wal-Mart because customers were just so exited to get great deals that they forgot about the poor man getting paid minimum wage and killed him!  While these fatalities aren’t a common occurrence in the U.S., they do give an example of just how seriously people take the holiday season.  However, Black Friday presents a great opportunity for retailers to actually turn a profit in an extremely volatile market place.  Keep on spending!

Seriously, it's Office Depot!

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