
Matt Lundy’s blog on presents a compelling case of how Google emerged from the NBA lockout stronger than ever.  Simply, Google was able to manipulate the lockout to get players such as LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Dwayne Wade, to go on a “Google+ Homecoming,” (and don’t worry, I’m on Google+ too).  This is simply another great business maneuver by Google to control every sector of the tech world.  In a Facebook dominated social media landscape, Google must do everything in its power to boost the popularity of Google+ in order to even compete with Facebook.  Although many people believe Facebook is untouchable, even by Google, they forget to look at the past.  Not too long ago, Myspace was thought to be untouchable and Facebook was just something for college kids to use.  However, Facebook soon overtook Myspace in popularity and now nobody in his or her right mind uses Myspace, because Facebook is “in.”  Google will soon do with Google+ what it has done with everything it has ventured into: make it popular!

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