New currency of the new economy.

Currency is not necessarily money nowadays. A factor that leads to profit can be also counted as currency. In this video, Rachel Botsman explains how trust can be your valuable asset in this economy.

“With every trade we make, comment we leave, person we flag, badge we earn, we leave a reputation trail.” says Rachel Botsman. As the technology of internet developed, peer-to-peer business has been going wide. Especially in peer-to-peer, reputation is one of the most important factors that leads to success. The only thing that consumers can rely on the trustworthiness of producer is the reputation(trust): reviews, comments and status. Therefore, as peer-to-peer business grows, the more the trust values.

It is clear that peer-to-peer business is going to get bigger and bigger. However, one thing I’m concerned is that a person’s identity can be easily fabricated and altered in digital world. I’d love to see how people are going to handle this problem and secure the out growing business.




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