Daily Archives: October 11, 2014

In Reply To: “The Design of the BlackBerry Passport” – Philip Wong

In Wong’s blog, he discusses how the new BlackBerry Passport will once again make a BlackBerry phone “essential to the average businessman”.

The new BlackBerry Passport - http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/blackberrypassport.jpg

The New BlackBerry Passport

With, its steep decline in market share over the last 5 years, BlackBerry is making an attempt to rebuild the foundation that its smartphones were built on: Businessmen. I believe this phone, however, is more than just a re-entry into the market for BlackBerry but also a phone that will decide the fate of the company. With a stock that has bounced around between $9 and $12.50 for a few months, the company’s next earnings report could either spell the rebirth or the end for the much maligned firm. With, what I would call the failed launching of the BlackBerry 10, this phone needs to reinstall confidence in shareholders, who I am surprised have stuck around this long. I would recommend that BlackBerry stick to one value proposition, which for many years was creating a phone that could keep up with the average businessman. And, I think the BlackBerry Passport has done just that. Going forwards they need to keep innovating and delivering features that will get consumers excited and wanting to buy their phones.

Lastly, I agree with Wong’s opinion that the BlackBerry Passport is a device that will help keep BlackBerry alive in the smartphone industry. And hopefully it will steal some market share from those overrated Apple devices (also known as iPhones) in the process.

Picture Reference: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/blackberrypassport.jpg