There are various blogs are on the internet that grabbed my attention while scouring the internet, but the “Study Hacks” blog by Cal Newport really caught my eye. Whether it be providing advice on how to power through work, or explaining how effectuate thinking is beneficial, this blog could potentially change the way you function daily. For example, after reading the blog about effectuate thinking, I now have a clearer image on goal-setting, and have realized that creating grandiose expectations could actually be holding me back. Something I would have never guessed. Furthermore, the usefulness of this blog goes beyond just the academic field, but spills over into anyone’s personal life and even the business world. With tips on how to better manage time, the “Study Hacks” blog can be useful in creating an urgency/importance matrix, by allowing you to better determine what needs to be done, compared to what should be done.
While not a prototypical business blog, I recommend the “Study Hacks blog to anyone looking for time management, academic, or career advice. Cal Newport is a superb writer and academic who strives towards providing “advice for building a successful and fulfilling life in school and after graduation“. With free advice coming from a blog that offers up not only study skills but also, life skills, I can’t see what’s not to love?
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