Oil Industry and its Social Responsibilities

Oil drilling in the Amazon has always been a controversial topic for the past decades. Oil companies obtain petroleum from the Amazon rainforest in order to satisfy the market demand for fuel. Yet, the contamination caused by oil extraction has brought catastrophic impacts upon the life of the Amazon and its people. “All my life they’ve been telling us that the oil companies will bring wealth and development,” said Chino Dahua, whose home as the vital centre of biodiversity has been mechanically demolished.

Oil industry operates in some of the most challenging places in the world and faces complex human rights issues. Yet, I think it is crucial that oil corporations do not neglect the responsibilities that come along with tremendous amounts of profits. It is important for businesses to constantly review their operations, at the most ethical and profitable levels. Rusty Riese also addressed the necessity of information delivery and diligent oversight performances. “All energy consumers (including the industry) have an ethical obligation to educate ourselves and those around us regarding the consequences of our demands for cheap energy and a preserved environment.”

Surely, all businesses seek to maximize profits. However, I believe business success is not solely based on momentary growths in numbers, but the sustainable operations of ethical businesses.

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