Raising Awareness for Breast Cancer at a New Level

“The Tweeting Bra”—this is a new “advertising campaign in Greece” developed by Nestle Fitness. In order to raise awareness of breast cancer, Nestle decided to ask “Greek TV presenter” Maria Bakodimou to endorse this campaign for them. Of course, she agreed to do so; whenever Maria unhooks her bluetooth bra, there will be a tweet that “reminds women to do their breast self-exams”.

What Nestle did was very smart; not only are they taking advantage of the efficiency of social media, but they are also realizing the fact that Maria Bakodimou is a notable television personality in Greece which many Greek women probably look up to. If they follow Maria’s tweeting bra account, then they too will gain exposure to the tweets reminding them to have a breast check-up. If Maria is taking action to do self-exams, so would the women who look up to her.

As a female, I feel that this campaign is very useful and informative. This is a cause that many are exposed to on a daily basis but take very little action to raise awareness of it. Marketing this campaign through a bra just makes it that much more personal and many more women can relate to it rather than just promoting awareness through cancer walks and such. I believe that this campaign will lead to a positive consequence in the Greek society as more females will be doing self-exams more often to monitor their health and prevent the risk of discovering breast cancer too late. In addition to that, more donations will be going towards research for breast cancer. Because of the increase of donations, society as a whole may be positively impacted by new breakthrough discoveries which can eliminate the risk of getting breast cancer!


Source: Tweeting Bra Image

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