Angela Qin's Blog

Blog #1 Women in Business

September 15th, 2010 · No Comments

This week, our blog post has to relate to business ethics. I found an article on The Globe and Mail that I feel passionately about.


Basically the article is saying that the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has been sued for discrimination against women. The complaints said that the corporation “systematically deprived them of pay and promotions available to men”. Women are extremely underrepresented in management.Only 14% of partners are female.

By now in the 21st century, we have fought long enough to receive equality between men and women. This is not a labor intensive job so men should not have an advantage. As long as the women are putting in quality work, they should have an equal opportunity to get promoted in pay as well as position. Recently I read in my OB book that women are actually better leaders. They tend to share the leadership role and as a result of that, the entire team is more satisfied. Men tend to dominate once they receive a leadership role which isn’t always positive for a team.

As a woman in business, I would not want to face this kind of discrimination when I go out there in the workforce. I want to have my work valued and respected. I don’t want people to judge what I do before they even see it just because I’m a woman. Discriminating between genders is definately an ethics issue that needs to be sorted out at Goldman Inc.

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