Angela Qin's Blog

Blog #2 Too sexy for bartender

September 18th, 2010 · No Comments

Last class we touched on a news article in Metro Vancouver about a bartender working in the Shark Club complaining about the provocative dress code- short skirts, revealing tops and high-heeled shoes. I spoke up about it in class but I wanted to read more about the article and see what it’s all about.

My overall opinion: Every job has a certain “norm”. If you want to be a bartender, there are certain standards that everyone expects. The role of a bartender is to attract costumers to the restaurant so looking  sexy and attractive is part of your responsibility. Although I disagree that they have to wear “form-fitting” clothes, having a presentable wardrobe should be part of your role.

The version I read is here:

The introduction states “Provocative clothing has become a social norm and attractive servers wearing skimpy outfits are commonplace in many sports bars and restaurants.” I don’t think there’s anything wrong  with that. People go out to bars and restaurants to relax, and having attractive servers is part of the ambiance.

Later on in the article MacGregor says “it is discriminatory to ask a woman to wear makeup when there is no such requirement for men.”  This is a little ridiculous in the sense that men in society don’t normally wear makeup. A large majority of woman wear makeup on a daily basis just to enhance their natural beauty. Looking put together will help the bartender earn more tips for him or herself, so it should be in their best interest to look good anyways.

People in different professions have to dress according to standards. When managers go to business meetings they have to wear a suit. When nurses work in the hospital they have to wear scrubs. When strippers work in clubs they have to wear minimal clothing. These people don’t necessarily WANT to wear what they have to wear but it’s the social norm. As a bartender, the norm is to be “sexy” and “attractive”. If you don’t agree with uniform standards, there are many other jobs out there. Dishwasher?

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