Best Works

This page features a collection of my best technical writing pieces over this term of ENGL 301. Revisions of my work were made based on the valuable feedback of my peers and the instructor.
Best Works
Definition Assignment
This assignment required us to write three definitions for a complex technical term related to our field, including a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. The goal was to present these definitions in a way that was easy for a non-technical audience to understand.

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment
A peer review of a team member’s three definitions was performed to provide constructive feedback, as well as reflect on students’ own writing. Through this process, I was able to learn from my peers and implement writing techniques that improved my own writing abilities.

Formal Report Proposal
Formal Report Proposal Memo
A formal report proposal was written to investigate, analyze, and recommend action on a problem in a public setting (a workplace, a volunteer, or a community organization). The process of brainstorming an interesting and feasible research topic was challenging but allowed me to learn more about the research process.

Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal
A peer review of a team member’s formal report proposal was performed to provide constructive feedback, as well as reflect on students’ own writing. Through this process, I was able to gain valuable insights from my peers and implement writing techniques that improved my own writing.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo
This assignment required us to research techniques for professional networking and building an online profile on LinkedIn. The best practices recommended were summarized using YOU-attitude. Through this process,  I realized the importance of keeping an up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

Formal Report Outline
Formal Report Progress Report
The formal report outline and progress report required students to design survey questions and develop a research plan and writing schedule. Creating survey questions was challenging but taught me valuable lessons on composing questions that were positive, non-leading, and unbiased.

Memo to Evan Crisp
Best practices in professional writing were provided to help improve the professionalism of email correspondences. The recommendations were concise and provided using YOU-attitude.

Formal Report Memo
The final formal report included all necessary research and core elements. The organization of the survey data into representative figures supported the analysis of the research results and the proposal of a feasible solution to the problem addressed.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
Students were provided the opportunity to review a team member’s formal report draft and give constructive feedback. Ensuring that the recommendations were detailed allowed students to make the necessary edits for improving their writing. By both providing and receiving feedback, I was able to gather valuable insight from my peers and reflect on how I could further refine my own writing.