Final Self-Assessment Reflection

What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? Answering Interview Questions

I had a remarkable time composing a variety of writing assignments in ENGL 301 this term. From the Three Definitions assignment to the Web Folio, I gained a diverse set of writing skills. This blog post reflects on my strengths and weaknesses throughout my learning process and assignments. Moreover, it highlights how the skills I have acquired could translate into my future career and academic goals, and professional aspirations.

Strengths in my learning and assignments
One of my strengths is the ability to improve my own writing by applying constructive feedback and learning from my peers’ work. Continuously striving for improvement, I actively seek opportunities to produce top-quality work. By conducting peer reviews, I was able to learn from my teammate’s unique writing styles and improve the clarity of my own assignments. This also allowed me to consistently practice the writing strategies learned in this course and refine my work. The feedback received from both my peers and instructor was invaluable, and I credit their pivotal role in my success in this course.

Weaknesses in my learning and assignments
One of my weaknesses is overlooking minor details when completing assignments. Specifically, I tend to dive right into completing the bulk of assignments without thoroughly reviewing all the instructions first. As a result, I may occasionally miss some important details, such as instructions to avoid using imperative verbs. In this course, I made a deliberate effort to carefully read the instructions multiple times and be more attentive to detail. However, it is still an ongoing area of improvement for me and I hope to continue working on this in the future.

Translating my skills and strengths for future career and educational goals 
I believe that my strong work ethic, self-discipline, and desire to succeed will serve as a foundation for accomplishing my future academic and educational goals. From this course, I have gained a variety of technical writing skills that can be directly applied to future coursework, as well as in my future career endeavors. I plan to utilize the insights and networking tips I have learned to enhance my LinkedIn profile and connect with professionals in my industry. Additionally, I now have updated versions of my resume, cover letter, and reference request letters, which now better highlight my academic and professional experiences. Overall, having strong written and technical communication skills are a valuable asset that can benefit any profession.

I would like to acknowledge my writing team and Dr. Paterson for an excellent term and all their help throughout the course.

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