About Me

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Angie and I am a fifth-year UBC BSC student majoring in Biotechnology. In my second year, I did my first co-op term at the BCIT Centre of Applied Research and Innovation (CARI), where I worked mainly on cannabis projects. This included the analysis of concentrations of CBD and THC in cannabis samples and the formulation of cannabis drinks. In my third year, I did my second co-op at Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc. under the Chemicals, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) Drug Product Formulation department, where I created a transdermal patch prototype for the delivery of epileptic drugs and gained experience with formulating polymeric nanoparticles.

After I graduate in May, I am considering either working in the biotechnology industry or applying to naturopathic medical school. I started gaining interest in naturopathic medicine about a year or two ago when I went to see a naturopath for the first time for my eczema. Unlike my family physician, who used to just prescribe me steroid creams that would eventually make my skin worse, the medicine that my naturopath gave me got rid of my eczema over time. As some who had struggled with eczema almost their entire life, this was life-changing to me. However, I feel that I currently do not know and hear enough about naturopathic medicine to commit to it yet, and am still uncertain about what I want to do in the future. Hopefully, I will have it figured out in a few years!