Archive for September, 2010

Sep 15 2010

Ryanair does it again

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“It’s not necessary to have two pilots on every flight, Michael O’Leary said in a recent interview.”  The CEO of the European Airline Ryanair has always been infamous for his cost reducing ideas, but now he needs to stop! It is one thing to charge passengers extra for meals and washroom use, but to remove a pilot from the plane is ridiculous! This idea is far too risky to put into practice as when you are hundreds of kilometres above the ground, far too many things can go arise. Although rare, planes are still crashing due to freak accidents with two pilots aboard; imagine how many could occur with only one pilot. Michael O’Leary wants to train flight attendants to handle the plane in emergency situations, a thought I believe lacks common sense. If a professional pilot cannot handle a emergency situation, can the passengers really trust a flight attendant? Also, if the flight attendant CAN fly a plane well enough to save all the passengers, why doesn’t the person just become a pilot and make more money? Learn to save money without risking lifes Mr. O’Leary.

CNN : Airline CEO: Nix co-pilot,save money
September 06,2010

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Sep 08 2010

Windows fights back in mobile market

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With Iphones and blackberries being the staple in the mobile culture, Windows phone interface was shoved aside for good reasons. The program did not appeal to users and was frankly an embarrassment to the company. This failure has forced Windows to re think their entire mobile OS if they wanted to stay as a competitor in mobile market. With the anticipated release of the Windows 7 mobile OS, reviews are happy to say that Windows is back in the game! The new OS is “clean, fresh, and well suited to a phone’s display.”  The phone has incorporated many other Windows applications such as Microsoft Office and Xbox Live onto their new phones. The phone also comes with several applications designed for consumers and businesses, allowing the target market to be pretty much anyone. Will this new OS become the new staple in the mobile phone market? Probably not, but it will definitely be the flotation device to keep it from sinking into oblivious.

Microsoft Throws down the gauntlet with Windows Phone 7
The Globe and Mail

Oct 10,2010

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