Jan 11 2012

Comm 296 : Introductory post

Published by at 9:55 pm under Uncategorized

Hi Everybody! (Hi Doctor Nick!)

Marketing has been a course that I have really been looking forward to taking for quite a few reasons.  I have always been more of a concept guy rather than a quant guy ( though I’ve done pretty well in accounting) . I really enjoy watching ads and have started analyzing them to see why they chose to go with this concept and why, even though I’ve never taken a marketing course. However the over arching reason of why I want to learn about marketing is because I have always been very susceptible to marketing. Once I see an ad, I have a craving to buy that product or go to the restaurant or consider using their service, to the point where my friends have called me “a marketer’s dream”!

As far as experience goes, I’ve pretty much only done basic marketing at Sauder for clubs and services. Some things have worked while others haven’t. However, I have done very well in the past in sales at Sears where we ended up having the most sales in BC for a year. My entire department knew how to sell very well and I learned a lot then.

I can’t name my favourite ad because I really enjoy so many ads, simple ones and ads so amazing that it blows your mind! But an ad I do appreciate was Apple’s silhouette commercial because it really showed that listening to an MP3 isn’t just when you want to drown out your parents or waiting for the bus. It’s a fun experience all on it’s own!

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Finally something personal about me is that I love the free coffee provided by the CUS! empowers my coffee need and saves me money! What’s not to love?

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