Archive for March, 2012

Mar 14 2012

Results of Market Research

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After reading Eva Ko’s blog post on the effort companies put into market research, I pondered for a moment.   Regardless of where I go, market research has affected almost everything I see. Even as I sit in CA Hall in the Henry Angus building,  I see the Exchange Cafe’s menu design and selection. I wonder how much research was taken to determine what they would offer. I see the colourful packages of snacks available and I wonder, why did they choose the colours they did? What extent of research did they use to think that blue packaging on rice krispies were better than green or pink packaging?

One thing I do wonder is, has the decisions made from market research affected how society has moved forward? This is a deeper thought than my past blog posts ,but I think it is such an interested aspect to think about. With the example of the blue rice krispies packaging, I think that is so common in Vancouver that if you asked anyone what they thought of if they saw a shiny blue square, they would say rice krispies! Any other colour now would look bizarre and out of the place; even just plain wrong.  So I leave you all with this question. Does market research results changed based on changes in society or does society change based off the decisions of market research?


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