Archive for April, 2012

Apr 04 2012

Does video advertisement still matter?

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When browsing the blogs posts of my classmates, I came across two interesting posts. The first was from Clayton Dang and his post of IMC and the importance of using multiple marketing channels to reach their audience. The second was from Aleksandar Novakovic and his post on the impressive wave of new marketing channels available to companies to use and the power they hold, especially social media.

I believe these posts read together very well, as while Aleksander is looking towards the future of marketing, Clayton is reminding everyone that multiple channels must be used to engage the audience. As the course has run, I have found myself looking at marketing in a very different perspective and believe that while marketing channels are extremely is important, there is still nothing more vital to a campaign than the concept behind the campaign and channels.

After watching Art + Gallery in class today, I feel that many marketing agencies have lost a sense of creativity because of the ease of advertising on social media. A vast majority of the ads direct consumers to their Facebook page or Twitter feed instead of trying to amaze the consumer right away. Although very effective, I also find campaigns centered around a celebrity endorsement to be lazy and unimaginative as well.  It is this reason why I still appreciate television ads, especially during the Super Bowl, as they work tirelessly to come up with the best campaigns possible.

I strongly believe television based advertisement still reigns as the most effective marketing channel. Social media has become so saturated with half hearted ads that many people ignore them without thought. It is very rare that I come across an ad that catches my eye and interests me on Facebook. However, clever commercials spread like wildfire and, to this day, continue to be extremely profitable for companies. I believe that for as long as people will watch television,regardless of the medium, television commercials will continue to be the most profitable for companies.

With my last marketing post, I leave you with a full round about and a video of my favourite campaign as stated in my first blog.

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