References & Further Info

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Photo Credit: wabisabi2015 on Flickr

Photo Credit: wabisabi2015 on Flickr

American Humane Association – Animal Shelter Euthanasia

BC SPCA – stance on companion animal euthanasia

Canadian Federation of Humane Societies – animal shelter statistics

PETA – the animal rights advocacy stance on euthanasia

Shelter Websites:

Photo Credit: Cynthia Typaldos on Flickr

Photo Credit: Cynthia Typaldos on Flickr

Animal Advocates Society


Fraser Valley Humane Society

Langley Animal Protection Society

Richmond Animal Protection Society

Vancouver Island Dogs Rescue Society

Whistler Animals Galore Society (WAG)

For a more complete list of shelters and rescues: Canada’s Guide to Dogs



  1. Anderson, K.A., Brandt, J.C., Lord, L.K., & Miles, E.A. (2013). Euthanasia in animal shelters: Management’s perspective on staff reactions and support programs. Anthrozoӧs, 26 (4), 569-578.
  2. Balcombe, J.P., Barnard, N.D., & Sandusky, C. (2004). Laboratory routines cause animal stress. Journal of the American Association for       Laboratory Animal Science, 43 (6), 42-51.
  3. BC SPCA. (n.d.). Stats at a glance. Retrieved from
  4. Beerda, B., Schilder, M.B.H., van Hooff, J.A.R.A.M., & de Vries, H.W. (1997). Manifestations of chronic and acute stress in dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 52 (3-4), 301-319.
  5. Beerda, B., Schilder, M.B.H., Van Hooff, J.A.R.A.M., De Vries, H.W., & Mol, J.A. (1999). Chronic stress in dogs subjected to social and spatial restriction. I. Behavioral responses. Physiology & Behavior, 66 (2), 233-242.
  6. Benson, G.J., Grubb, T.L., Neff-Davis, C., Olson, W.A., Thurmon, J.C., Lindner, D.L., Tranquilli, W.J., & Vanio, O. (2000). Perioperative stress response in the dog: Effect of pre-emptive administration of medetomidine. Veterinary Surgery, 29 (1), 85-91.
  7. Brown, W.P., Davidson, J.P., & Zuefle, M.E. (2013). Effects of phenotypic characteristics on the length of stay of dogs at two no kill animal shelters. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 16 (1), 2-18.
  8. Burger, K.A. (2013). Solving the problem of puppy mills: why the animal welfare movement’s bark is stronger than its bite. Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 43, 259-284.
  9. Close, B., Banister, K., Baumans, V., Bernoth, E.M., Bromage, N., Bunyan, J., Erhardt, W., Flecknell, P., Gregory, N., Hackbarth, H., Morton, D., & Warwick, C. (1996). Recommendations for euthanasia of experimental animals: Part 1. Laboratory Animals, 30 (4), 293-316.
  10. Dybdall, K. & Strasser, R. (2014). Is there a bias against stray cats in shelters? People’s perception of shelter cats and how it influences adoption time. Anthrozoӧs, 27 (4), 603-614.
  11. Gácsi, M., Topál, J., Miklósi, Á., Dóka, A., & Csányi, V. (2001). Attachment behavior of adult dogs (Canis familiaris) living at rescue centers: Forming new bonds. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 115 (4), 423-431.
  12. Hennessy, M.B., Williams, M.T., Miller, D.D., Douglas, C.W., & Voith, V.L. (1998). Influence of male and female petters on plasma cortisol and behaviour: Can human interaction reduce the stress of dogs in a public animal shelter? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 61 (1), 63-77.
  13. Hiby, E.F., Rooney, N.J., & Bradshaw, J.W.S. (2006). Behavioural and physiological responses of dogs entering re-homing kennels. Physiology & Behavior, 89 (3), 385-391.
  14. Kenny, K. (2011). A local approach to a national problem: local ordinances as a means of curbing puppy mill production and pet overpopulation. Albany Law Review, 75 (1), 379-406.
  15. Levy, J.K., Isaza, N.M., & Scott, K.C. (2014). Effect of high-impact targeted trap-neuter-return and adoption of community cats on cat intake to a shelter. The Veterinary Journal, 201 (3), 269-274.
  16. Lord, L.K., Wittum, T.E., Ferketich, A.K., Funk, J.A., Rajala-Schultz, P., Kauffman, R.M. (2006). Demographic trends for animal care and control agencies in Ohio from 1996 to 2004. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 229 (1), 48-54.
  17. Protopopova, A., Gilmour, A.J., Weiss, R.H., Shen, J.Y., & Wynne, C.D.L. (2012). The effects of social training and other factors on adoption success of shelter dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 142 (1-2), 61-68.
  18. Reeve, C.L., Rogelberg, S.G., Spitzmuller, C., & Digiacomo, N. (2005). The caring-killing paradox: Euthanasia-related strain among animal-shelter workers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35 (1), 119-143.
  19. Riva, J., Bondiolotti, G., Michelazzi, M., Verga, M., & Carenzi, C. (2008). Anxiety related behavioural disorders and neurotransmitters in dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 114 (1), 168-181.
  20. Rogelberg, S.G., DiGiacomo, N., Reeve, C.L., Spitzmuller, C., Clark, O.L., Teeter, L., Walker, A.G., Carter, N.T., & Starling, P.G. (2007). What shelters can do about euthanasia-related stress: An examination of recommendations from those on the front line. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare, 10 (4), 331-347.
  21. Rooney, N., Gaines, S., & Hiby, E. (2009). A practitioner’s guide to working dog welfare. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 4 (3), 127-134.
  22. Sonderegger, S.M., & Turner, D.C. (1996). Introducing dogs into kennels: Prediction of social tendencies to facilitate integration. Animal Welfare, 5 (4), 391-404.
  23. Totton, S.C., Wandeler, A.I., Zinsstag, J., Bauch, C.T., Ribble, C.S., Rosatte, R.C., & McEwen, S.A. (2010). Stray dog population demographics in Jodhpur, India following a population control/rabies vaccination program. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 97 (1), 51-57.
  24. Wells, D.L. & Hepper, P.G. (2000). Prevalence of behaviour problems reported by owners of dogs purchased from an animal rescue shelter. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 69 (1), 55-65.
  25. Yeates, J. (2010). Ethical aspects of euthanasia of owned animals. Journal of the British Veterinary Association, 32, 70-73.

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