IKEA: The Go-Green Leader

Nowadays, customers demand ethical companies that make ethical decisions on the products created, services provided and the process from beginning to end. This is a challenge for companies nowadays because going green is usually a costly action and not every business can afford to do some in the short-run. However, if completed in the long-run, its benefits can outweigh the costs imposed. For example, IKEA has a strategy to confront and even profit from environmental challenges imposed. They bought a wind farm and using this, they can generate sustainable and reusable energy without the need to use natural gases, fossil fuels or oils. This go-green method complies with their corporate social responsibility to their company, the environment and society. First, using renewable resources will cut costs overall, making the company more profitable. Second, using gasoline can be damaging to the environment, therefore it is important to reduce its usage. Third, IKEA is creating more products that save energy, water, etc. All of this is part of IKEA’s shared value. Not to mention, but IKEA is reducing costs and its carbon footprint by improving the supply chain process.


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