Code Black – Part 1 Regulation meets Disaster

Watching “Code Black” has given me insight on America’s broken healthcare system and the appropriate arrival of ObamaCare. The film documents the work system at one of America’s busiest hospitals, LA County Hospital.

Before moving to the new county, the physicians had a deregulated system of emergency aid in C-Booth, where patients with critical conditions were treated immediately. After moving to the new county, regulation stepped in and while spending two minutes with a patient, doctors subsequently spend another twenty minutes filling out forms. Although the government on the national/state level agree that regulation is benefiting doctors and patients, the organization (hospital) and the public (patients) differ in opinion. This is a common occurrence that happens when governments try to regulate systems with the focus on ‘business’.

Before the move, there were better doctor-patient interactions, especially in C-Booth, and this motivated doctors to practice medicine. Now with the short interactions with patients and large amount of documentation required, doctors find it difficult to treat patients. And without the intrinsic motivation to treat, the hospital and the patients don’t benefit if the doctors aren’t as happy and as productive.

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