Unit One: Reflection Blog

Original Writing of Term Definition: 

After reading the assignment 1.3 guidelines, I realized that definitions are not as simple as they appear at first. The assignment required students to select a complex term and write a detailed definition for a non-technical audience. I chose gentrification, as it is often encountered in my sociology Major. I had previously read and written essays on the subject of gentrification, so there were many instances where I had to explain it in detail. Nonetheless, I was unfamiliar with the nuances of various types of definitions for a given term. However, because this assignment required me to write three types of definitions (i.e., parenthetical, sentence, and expanded), I learned the distinctions between them. Parenthetical definitions use a clarifying phrase in parentheses, whereas sentence definitions provide a more in-depth understanding of the term. Expanded definitions use a variety of modes to explain the term. I provided the following details for the expanded definition: history, how neighbourhoods become gentrified, results of gentrification, and visuals as the most effective modes for describing the term in detail.

Peer Review Process: 

The peer-review process, was one of the hardest parts of the assignment, as I had to analyze and critique someones else’s work. Given that English is not my first, or even second language, I had to double-check several times whether the suggestions I’m making are grammatically correct so that it would benefit Jennifer’s work. The textbook helped me check the accuracy of the various types of written definitions. Although no errors were discovered in the written definitions, some sentences were wordy. Aside from that, I only found minor grammar and punctuation errors during the review process. In addition, during the peer review process, I was able to identify some of my own mistakes by rereading the textbook. As a result, I believe peer review is a great way to elevate your own work, as well as assist your peer in polishing their work.

Editing Process: 

Taking Jennifer’s constructive feedback into account during the editing process aided the development of my original definition assignment. As previously stated, as a third language learner, it can be difficult to identify specific punctuation and grammatical errors. While Jeniffer only discovered minor grammatical and punctuation errors, her feedback was extremely helpful. She also pointed out some errors in the reference list. Revising my work following the peer-review process enabled me to identify patterns of error and learn from my mistakes. Overall, assignment 1.3 and its underlying components helped me become more aware of how I write. As a result, I plan to apply what I’ve learned throughout the assignment to my future projects.

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