Unit Two: Reflection Blog

Research Proposal and Peer Review for Teammate: 

The initial task assigned to us was to create a proposal for research that would identify a public issue which could be enhanced through our recommendations for improvement. I did not encounter any challenges while brainstorming my report idea because I had a recent experience at the Metrotown Mall where I got lost due to inadequate guidance. Accordingly, the problem that I am trying to solve is navigation around Metrotown Mall. Although I initially felt a bit overwhelmed when I had to write the research proposal and include all the necessary components, referring to the instructor’s blog and assigned readings helped me gain a better understanding of how to develop a comprehensive research proposal. In my opinion, the crucial aspect of the research proposal was accurately identifying the problem, target audience, and proposed solution. Once these elements were established, the process of developing the proposal became more seamless. 

As I reviewed Jennifer’s research proposal about the need for additional safety measures on the Arbutus Greenway, I was able to gain a fresh perspective on my own proposal. Jennifer’s proposal was well-organized and well-written, with only minor grammatical errors. Although I am a non-native English speaker, I provided helpful feedback to the best of my abilities because I understand the value of having someone else review your work and offer a different perspective. It allows for a deeper understanding of one’s own work.

Formal Report Outline: 

Writing the research proposal was relatively easy for me, but creating the outline posed some difficulties in terms of its structure. However, with the help of the course book and comparing my outline to my peers’, I was able to overcome the challenges and meet the assignment requirements. My goal was to develop an outline that would make the process of writing the final proposal easier. 

Ten Best Practices for Linked In: 

The 10 best practices for LinkedIn are practical and effective ways to improve one’s LinkedIn profile and create a strong professional network. These practices include selecting a professional profile picture and background photo, crafting a concise and unique summary, keeping the profile up-to-date, joining industry-relevant groups, and filling out every section of the profile. This assignment was beneficial for me as I was able to identify areas for improvement on my LinkedIn profile. Reviewing my peers’ best practices also helped me recognize crucial steps in creating a professional social media network. After completing the assignment, I updated my LinkedIn profile to reflect these best practices.


My favourite part of the course is revising my work based on feedback from peers and the instructor, as I feel that I am able to learn a great deal from this process. The feedback I received from the instructor has helped me to identify and correct my tendency to make certain grammatical mistakes, such as overusing pronouns and utilizing imperative verbs. I plan to keep these comments in mind as I continue to work on future assignments. Additionally, my teammate Jennifer provided me with insightful feedback on my research proposal, including suggestions on the sentence structure of my sections and a recommendation to add another solution to the problem. This peer review was especially helpful in improving my work and building upon the progress made from previous feedback.

Revised Report Proposal

Peer Review for Proposal 

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