Self Assessment: Reflection Blog

ENGL301 was one of the most beneficial courses I took to improve my writing abilities. Being an international student makes you mistakenly believe that other people will outperform you in class simply because English is their native language. Throughout the course, I discovered that my assumption was incorrect. In fact, it is all about practice and revision.

The feedback provided by both the reviewer of my work and the instructor at the start of the course revealed that my main weaknesses were wordiness and the use of imperative verbs. Through careful analysis and reflecting on the feedback I received, I was able to identify and improve upon my mistakes. This was further evidenced by the subsequent assignments and the feedback provided by the instructor. My unwavering determination to incorporate and demonstrate my ability to reflect on the feedback and recommendations provided to me enabled me to consistently improve my work through multiple revisions.

The knowledge I gained in ENGL 301 will be extremely useful to me in my future educational and professional endeavours. With my newfound confidence, I can create professional correspondence, compose technical documents with precision, and create engaging blog posts. These skills will undoubtedly contribute to my success moving forward.

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