Web Folio: Reflection Blog

Creating the web folio was a fun experience because it provided me the opportunity to experiment with the WordPress tool and gain a better understanding of it. I had never created anything on WordPress before, so I learned a lot by using it for this course.

However, nothing comes together without challenges. Starting the web folio was difficult because it requires careful planning, design, and organization. I had to consider what content to include as well as how to present it in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. I was able to grasp an understanding of how I want my web folio to be organized after analyzing the criteria provided by the instructor as well as the technical writing textbook.

The main takeaway from creating a web folio is that it is an excellent way to compile all of my work and professionally showcase my skills. It allows me to demonstrate my expertise and creativity to others, and it has the potential to become an important tool in my job search or personal branding efforts.

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