

Welcome to my Web Portfolio!

The purpose of this website is to showcase my personal and professional background.

This website contains details about my qualifications and achievements.

To gain a deeper understanding of who I am, you can visit my biography page.

The web portfolio has 8 pages, which include:

  1. Home page: the page you are currently viewing.
  2. About ENGL301: the page provides a brief description of the ENGL 301 technical writing course at UBC.
  3. Biography: the page outlines personal background and professional goals.
  4. Blog: the page contains personal reflections on ENGL301 course.
  5. Best Works: the page contains a selection of my best works for the ENGL301 course.
  6. Resume: the page provides an overview of my current professional background.
  7. Application Package: the page contains my entire application package, which includes the job posting, cover letter, resume, and three reference letters.
  8. LinkedIn: the page provides link to the LinkedIn account.