Unit Three: Reflection Blog

Researching, Organizing and Writing Formal Report 

The Formal Report is a major assignment that requires a lot of effort to produce. Upon receiving the assignment, I immediately knew what my report will be about since I had personally experienced the issue myself. Whenever I went to Metrotown Mall, I would often waste time and get lost while trying to navigate from point A to point B. After speaking with friends and peers, I discovered that this was a common issue for many people who shop at Metrotown. Consequently, I decided to focus my report on improving navigation around Metrotown Mall.

During my research, I found that most malls across Canada use similar navigation strategies. However, none of them have an app to make navigating the mall easier. Therefore, I concluded that if Metrotown were to implement a navigation app, it would stand out from its competitors and be the first mall in Canada to utilize such technology. Additionally, the results of 88 surveys showed that there is a growing demand for such navigation tool.

When writing my draft, I encountered some difficulties. Initially, it was challenging to collect data because only a few people responded to the survey on Reddit. However, after posting the survey in local Vancouver groups on Facebook, I was able to obtain a full sample size and collect 88 survey responses. Furthermore, as English is not my first language, I struggled with making grammatically correct choices regarding punctuation and sentence structure. Despite this, I was able to easily analyze the data and interpret the findings because I had researched other malls across Canada and obtained a decent sample size. As a result, after completing all of this work it was not hard to organize the draft.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft 

Similarly to the previous peer review I had the opportunity to review Jennifer’s draft, and it was evident from her writing style that English is her first language. Overall, she did an excellent job compiling her report. However, I suggested that she improve the transitions between sections and write with a “you-attitude” towards the intended audience. I also advised her to organize the text and visuals in a way that would be engaging to the reader. There were not many grammatical errors in her report, as it appeared to be well-written.

Jennifer’s review of my proposal was detailed and easy to follow. She put in a lot of effort to provide me with the best possible feedback, analyzing each section and providing appropriate suggestions to improve my work. After seeing the quality of her peer-review, I feel that I could have put in more effort in my review of her work.

Overall, Unit 3 was one of the most intensive units of the course. By working on the report, I was able to learn and develop many writing and research techniques simultaneously. I am looking forward to further enhancing my writing skills in Unit 4!

Karolina’s Formal Report Draft

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