About ENG301

English 301 is an online technical writing course in which students learn about the fundamentals of written and online communication in business and professional settings. Students learn how to write abstracts, proposals, applications, and reports while also improving their online communication skills, which include emails, texts, Web folios, networking, etc. Through the progression of four units, the course’s overarching goal is to develop writing and communication skills at both the technical and professional levels.

Throughout the course, students participate in a multi-channel learning environment. As a result, students are expected to learn and work independently, with instructor feedback and review, and collaboratively in writing teams. The course objectives include becoming acquainted with distinct elements of writing in a professional setting, providing technical and practical work to excel writing skills, becoming acquainted with UBC’s Career Services resources, developing a Web Folio, and, finally, reflecting on one’s writing and developing self-editing skills.

The course includes a significant amount of practical and collaborative work, which are two of the most important factors in a professional setting. As a result, I believe that throughout the courseĀ I can improve my writing skillsĀ to communicate more effectively in a professional setting. Given that I have not yet entered the labor force, the knowledge gained in this course can serve as a solid foundation for entering a professional setting.