
My name is Anna Karolina Atehortua, I’m a fourth-year Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Sociology and minoring in Law and Society. I was born in Azerbaijan, Baku, and lived in many places across the world including Qatar, Tanzania, and Canada. It’s my sixth year in Canada and I enjoy it a lot. I have an IMES scholarship, due to which most of my focus during the four years at university was placed on studying. It was too hard for me, to both work part-time and sustain a high average, thus I have not yet participated in the labor force.

Although I’m majoring in Sociology, it is not something I want to pursue after I graduate in May. I took Sociology because I thought that it will give me a good base for understanding how our society and the different mechanisms within it function. What I love doing is cooking, as a result, I plan to work in the food/hospitality industry. To do so, I plan to take a 6-month program to widen my food pallet and get more familiar with the niche. I will then try working as a chef, to get some experience in how things work in a professional kitchen setting. Lastly, one day I hope to open a restaurant of my own.