Best Works

This webpage showcases a collection of my most successful works completed during the ENGL301 course.

Definition Assignment

The goal of the assignment was to acknowledge the significance and role of definitions in technical writing. This assignment taught me how to provide a comprehensive definition of a complicated term using three different techniques: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions. 

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

This was the course’s first peer-review, and I reviewed Jennifer’s work. By providing feedback to Jennifer, I was able to identify and correct my own errors. The goal of the assignment was to review each other works and provide suggestions for improvements.

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The assignment’s goal was to analyze a problem and provide appropriate solutions and recommendations. My formal report focused on navigating Metrotown Mall. The research and writing process were both very engaging, allowing me to make appropriate recommendations.

Proposal Memo

The goal of the assignment was to present a draft of the formal report for peer-review. Writing the draft of the formal report was not difficult because appropriate resources and guidance were provided.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The assignment’s goal was to outline ten best practises for professional networking on LinkedIn. The knowledge gained from the assignment enabled me to improve my own LinkedIn profile.

Memo to Evan Crisp

The assignment’s goal was to assist a student in writing an academic email to a professor with a “you-attitude.” The assignment made me rethink my own methods of communicating with the professor.

Peer Review of a Formal Report

The purpose of the peer review was to identify strength and areas for improvement for the formal report. Jennifer did a great job in analyzing implementation of Pedestrian Safety Measures on the Arbutus Greenway. The peer-review process allowed me to reflect on my own work and make necessary improvements.