First Stories/Contact Stories – Kings Dichotomies

For this blog assignment, I will be discussion Question #1 regarding why King chose to emphasize the type of narrative using his voice when telling the Charm and Genesis creation stories.

The implied differences by King about the two creation stories can be seen as a way for readers to understand the subtle differences between cultures. In my opinion, Kings use of emphasis to dictate the two creation stories can be because of the various forms of communication and cultural understandings within Native American and European cultures. King and Chamberlin warn the readers not to limit themselves to a linear form of thinking. In my own interpretation, I see that as advice to the audience to broaden their thinking. This broadened point of view expands the readers awareness and states that you can get to the same conclusion through various means. You don’t need to point out and only stick to one road, or one creation story, because there are many roads and many creation stories that result in he same outcome.

The use of dichotomies that King uses to explain the two creation stories can tell the reader something about their own form of thinking and beliefs. Individuals from one culture will have a stronger connection to one creation story than the other, naturally. Also, individuals who hold a certain belief will also have more of a liking for one creation story than another. It can be assumed that the creation story, or any story in fact, that someone feels a connection to can be due to their current held beliefs and cultural influences. To bring out my point, due to my own spiritual beliefs which do not follow the ‘traditional’ European beliefs (since I am from Ukraine), I feel that I have a stronger connection to Charms story of creation rather than the Genesis story. In fact, both the stories are perfectly viable for me, because as I stated earlier, I try not to follow a linear form of thinking, but rather broaden my view to see the whole picture. Both the stories lead to the same outcome, simply the cultural understandings and beliefs within those stories are what makes them unique.


2 responses to “First Stories/Contact Stories – Kings Dichotomies

  1. paulseymour

    Hello Anna,

    Thank you for your blog post, I enjoyed reading it! I agree with you that King’s emphasis and way that he tells the two stories dictates the way we read and interpret the stories. His emphasis certainly highlights the different forms of communication and ways of understanding that exist in First Nations and European cultures. I think that the biggest differences in the his retellings of the two stories is in the tone that he chooses to use. I feel that he tells the Genesis story with an authoritative tone, and Charm’s story in a storytelling tone so as to set them up in opposition. By doing so, I think that he is trying to convey that this is actually futile and representative of a linear way of thinking. We don’t have to look at creation stories in terms of right and wrong, and we don’t have to limit ourselves to thinking that one has more value or validity over the other. In fact, this is a destructive way to think. It is much more important, as you say, to broaden our points of view and accept that many different stories can lead you to similar places of understanding. “there are many roads and many creation stories that result in the same outcome”. I think you also bring up an important point that it is up to the individual to choose the stories that colour their life and understanding of the world. By opening up to stories, we can borrow from all the wonderful tales in the world to create our own versions of the way we see things – even our own creation stories. Thanks again for your post.

  2. erikapaterson

    Hi Anna (and Paul) – I am curious as to how you see the two stories: Genesis and Charm as coming to the same outcome, or meaning the same thing? Do you think that King’s story-telling techniques are meant to lead to a harmonizing of the two stories — ? I think I need more details here to understand your reading. Thanks.

    ” Both the stories lead to the same outcome, simply the cultural understandings and beliefs within those stories are what makes them unique.”
    “This broadened point of view expands the readers awareness and states that you can get to the same conclusion through various means. “

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